Intorduction of energy service and energy saving measures
Resource saving, energy saving and energy efficiency are important ecnonmical, ecological and reputation components of the activity of any successful company.
Normally , companies single-handedly invest in projects in resource and energy saving in their own enterprises and facilities.
As one of the solutions on implementing measures for energy efficiency rates increase, Giprokommunenergo offers ESCO concept.
This solution allows bringing in energy efficiency improvement measures without involving investment from the facility owner or the ordering party.
The typical agreement with ESCO is in actuality a tailored agreement on effecting energy efficiency improvement measures and does not require engagement of resources of the ordering party.
Service agreement in between the ordering party and ESCO normally covers the following service types:
hardware purchase,
contract closing,
project management and quality management.
The return of cost of an agreement with ESCO is made by the savings achieved during the realization of the agreement.
ESCO’s main principle is that the ordering party continues gaining profit from energy saving and decrease in greenhouse gases emission after the service agreement’s term has expired.